Type 1 Diabetes – Handling High Blood Sugar 

Taking charge of your blood sugar levels with type 1 diabetes is like steering a ship on a crucial voyage. It’s the main aspect of keeping your blood sugar in the healthy zone. Now lets delve into this topic comprehensively.

Think of your blood sugar level as the quantity of sweetness (glucose) flowing through your veins. This glucose is like the fuel your body runs on, coming from the food you munch on. It’s what keeps your engine revving.

Now, for folks dealing with type 1 diabetes, keeping this glucose level in check is a bit like taming a wild beast. If it gets too high, things can get tricky, and managing it becomes a real puzzle.

Here’s the deal: those with type 1 diabetes can’t just ditch insulin forever, no matter how disciplined their diet is. Insulin is the superhero that swoops in, breaking down the glucose and ensuring your blood pressure stays in the sweet spot. This superheroic act is what paves the way for a healthier, happier life.

In this read, we’ll explore what goes on when your blood sugar decides to play hopscotch and ways you can wrangle it back into line. So, buckle up for the blood sugar adventure!

High blood sugar symptoms

Following are some of the signs of high blood sugar levels in the human body:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dry mouth
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increase of thirst
 person monitoring their blood sugar levels, representing effective strategies for managing high blood sugar in Type 1 Diabetes

What happens when there is high blood sugar in the body?

When there is an amount of sugar, in your bloodstream it can become a matter. This condition is known as Hyperglycemia. It is a medical concern. It occurs when the sugar levels in your blood surpass the range of 125 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). It’s akin, to the bodys insulin not being produced adequately.

Now if your fasting blood sugar level surpasses 125 mg/dL you might receive a diagnosis of diabetes. If left uncontrolled Hyperglycemia can progress to a condition called Ketoacidosis.  Picture this: your tissues, organs, nerves, and blood vessels – all going through some serious wear and tear. It’s a medical emergency that needs attention ASAP. So, when the sugar level is high in your bloodstream, it’s time to call your medical doctor and take the necessary medication.

Hyperglycemia symptoms

The early signs and symptoms of Hyperglycemia include:

  • Headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Increase in frequency of urination
  • Hunger
  • Increase in thirst

Symptoms of long-term hyperglycemia include:

  • Skin infections
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Slow healing cuts

What is the meaning of normal blood glucose?

Normal blood glucose refers to the healthy amount of glucose present in the body to provide energy for daily tasks. The normal sugar level fasting should be 99 mg/dL or below. After consuming the meals, the normal sugar level should be 140 mg/dL or below. 

Is the process of glucose monitoring difficult?

Monitoring your glucose is a breeze, but it’s crucial to do it correctly. First off, grab a blood sugar meter from the pharmacy. Now, get a tiny drop of blood from your fingertip and put it on a disposable test strip. Pop that strip into the meter, and voila! The meter checks the sugar level in your body using that little blood sample. These disposable strips can cover your monitoring for a good period. 

To use the blood sugar meter/glucose monitor, follow this procedure:

  1. Clean your hands and dry them with a hand towel
  2. Insert one disposable strip on the meter
  3. Prick a small part of your fingertip with the needle present in the kit
  4. Hold the edge of the test strip in such a manner that one drop of blood falls on it.
  5. Wait for a few seconds, and you will see your blood sugar level on the small digital screen on the meter.
 person monitoring their blood sugar levels, representing effective strategies for managing high blood sugar in Type 1 Diabetes

Is diabetes reversible?

There are two types of diabetes; type 1 and type 2. There is currently no cure for type 1 diabetes. It is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes by maintaining glucose levels and monitoring them regularly.

If you want to keep type 2 diabetes at bay it’s essential to follow guidelines:

  • Regular physical exercise
  • Consume a healthy diet
  • Take your medications on time
  • Start doing meditation

If you have type 1 diabetes, then means your pancreas is not producing much if any insulin to break down the sugars. This is mainly due to genetic factors and a diabetes history in the immediate family. In this, you have to inject insulin regularly into your body to manage glucose. 

How is type 1 diabetes reversible?

Unfortunately, there is no reversal process for type 1 diabetes. Researchers are continuing their work, in this field. If an individual is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes it suggests that they must administer insulin since their pancreas can no longer produce it. Nonetheless proper medication, a nutritious diet, regular physical activity and a positive mindset can effectively manage type 1 diabetes.

Healthy meal for diabetes

A healthy meal is an important aspect of managing diabetes. A person living with diabetes cannot go even one day without making sure they are eating a balanced diet for their body including all the necessary nutrients. 

Keeping your carb intake in check is crucial for folks dealing with diabetes. This helps maintain their blood sugar levels within the desired range. A well-rounded diet includes fats, carbs, whole grains, vegetables, and proteins.

Dealing with insulin resistance? Well, it boils down to slashing the bad fats, carbs, and sugars. Instead, load up on fruits, veggies, and good fats. Keep an eye on saturated fats—they’re linked to insulin resistance.

Getting active through regular exercise is a game-changer. It helps kick insulin resistance to the curb, transforming your lifestyle into a healthier one. So, get moving!

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