Women, the powerhouse of activities. Be it an entrepreneur, a house maker, an activist, a mother or a teacher she has many roles to play. In midst of all these activities its likely that she may encounter the instances of feeling drowsy, having sleepless nights, or witnessing sudden changes in the body. Then probably all these symptoms and signs may be ruling out the possibility that she is undergoing the condition of hormonal imbalance

However, to stay moving ahead it’s very critical for women to keep all these imbalances at bay. 

To identify whether these symptoms really are due to hormonal imbalance or not may sound trickier for any women. So if puzzled over this, have a look at this article. 

Explore these seven major signs of hormonal imbalance generally encountered in women:  

1. Fatigue

Sleeping During Working Hours due to Fatigue
Sleeping During Working Hours

In spite of taking care of yourself, you still feel exhausted and this is something that drives you to worry every time? Then consider having a check on your hormone level. Because nowadays adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism are becoming very common for every woman in our high-paced society.

2. Skin problems

 Your skin does tell a story – pale dull complexions and breakouts after your periods could be the signs of hormonal imbalance and acne. Acne popping up on the jawline is definitely a sign of unbalanced hormones. Usually, high androgens or problem with insulin or with estrogen and progesterone unbalance conditions contribute towards the skin problem. An excess of androgens can cause your oil glands to powerup. Androgens also affect the skin cells in and around your hair follicles. Both of these things can clog your pores and cause you acne.

Hormonal Imbalances lead to many skin related problems
Skin Related Problems

3. Irregular Periods

If you are dealing with continued irregular periods and not getting a proper continuation in your period cycle – then it might mean that you have either too much or too little of estrogen and progesterone hormones. You are in your early 40’s or 50’s it might be a sign of menopause. If not then the irregular periods might be the result of health problems like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). And during such situations, you need to consult a doctor.

4. Appetite and Weight Gain

Hormonal imbalance and weight gain might be a sign of your thyroid being imbalanced. Even if you feel irritated, it might be the indication of a reduction in your estrogen levels. It may also trigger your appetite – that is why the hormones are associated with the weight gain. Because the estrogen reduction leads to impact the levels of leptin in our body and the hormones are responsible for regulating food intake.

Hormonal imbalance and weight gain might be a sign of your thyroid being imbalanced
Increase in Weight

5. Sleep Problems

 If you are not getting adequate sleep or you cannot sleep properly then your hormones might be working in the backdrop. The hormone called Progesterone released by your ovaries is responsible for your sleep-related issues. If the levels are lower than as expected then it might create a problem for you to fall asleep. Lower estrogen levels trigger hot flashes and night sweats, making it a tough task for you to take rest.

Hormone Imbalance can lead to inadequate sleep
Sleeping Disorder

6. Belly Problems

If you are repeatedly confronted with belly related issues such as diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, and nausea which all get worse during your period, then this may be due to your hormonal imbalance. The tiny cells are known as receptors which form your gut lining respond to estrogen and progesterone. When these hormones become higher or lower than the normal threshold levels, then they tend to create a problem in food digestion. So if you are facing the digestive woes then there is a possibility that your hormone levels might be off.

Hormone Imbalance can lead to many stomach related problems
Stomach relates Issues

7. Mood Swings and Depression

According to the researches, it has been revealed that frequent mood swings and feeling depressed are often linked with the changes in hormones. The estrogen levels affect brain chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Also, the other hormones which traverse the same path as the neurotransmitters also play an important role in causing moodiness.

Now by knowing all these symptoms you can easily identify and correct these aberrations at an early stage because maintaining a good health prevents the onset of chronic diseases. The longer a system is out of order – the more difficult it can be to bring it back into proper functioning. Just knowing some of these signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances will allow you to take action on time and keep you safe in the future.

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