Healthy protein intake for weight gain and muscle building

Protein Rich Diet
Protein Rich Diet

A Healthy Protein Meal is one rich in proteins and healthy for your body. Proteins are essential in the cell structure, immune function, and chemical reactions in the body. They help in keeping your stomach filled and satisfied. A high-protein diet also helps in muscle building.

What is a low-calorie healthy protein meal?

A low-calorie high protein diet is the one preferred by gym trainers and gym enthusiasts for bodybuilding. This diet includes foods like:

  • Broccoli
  • Lima Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Eggs
  • Cauliflower
  • Chinese cabbage
  • Oats
  • Hemp Seeds
  • Guava
  • Peas

And many others.

High Protein Breakfast:

A healthy protein meal is one where your stomach remains filled for most of the duration of the day and as the name suggests, the diet is rich in protein. Protein gives you the energy you require for everyday work on the professional front. There is a certain amount of protein intake necessary for the human body. The right amount of protein intake is 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight. There are numerous recipes that you can cook for a high-protein breakfast.

  1. Strawberry Thyme Millet Bowl: This one is an easy recipe to make. Drizzle some oil on strawberries and thyme and put them in the oven for 10 minutes. Now, cook some millet along with milk on the gas stove. You can assemble them both in a bowl or separately as per your choice.
  2. Peanut butter -Banana pancakes: Mash bananas with any liquid or egg mixture. Take the pancake batter and mix those mashed bananas in them with a pinch of vanilla and peanut butter. Pour the pancakes on the gas and serve them with honey, almonds, and chopped-up bananas.
  3. Egg and Cheese Sandwich: Beat eggs in a bowl with salt, pepper, and 1 tbsp of water. Heat a pan and cook the eggs till they get medium soft. Add the cooked eggs in between the bread and top it with cheese and eggs.
  4. Protein-packed smoothie: Take a blender and add blueberries, almonds, nuts, protein powder, almond butter, and vanilla. Turn the blender on until the mixture becomes creamy. Pour the mixture into the bowl and top it with berries, seeds, and almonds.
  5. Masala oats: For this meal, you can take either packet of oats or cook some yourself with water. If you are cooking oats yourself, first cut up all the vegetables you want and cook them in a pan. Add your desired spices to the vegetables and the cup of cooked oats in it. Your delicious masala oats are ready.
  6. Cheesy Avocado Omelette: This is a pretty simple recipe. Chop up some vegetables along with avocados and keep them aside in a bowl. Mix eggs in another bowl with some salt and pepper. Add your bowl of vegetables and some shredded cheese to that egg mixture. Now, pour the final mixture into your pan and cook the Omelette for the desired period.
  7. Almond-Berry Toast Bake: Butter a baking dish and spread bread cubes and raspberries in even layers. Take another bowl and mix eggs, milk, vanilla, maple syrup, salt, and cinnamon. Pour this mixture over the baking tray and refrigerate it for 3 hours.
Healthy Protein Meal
Protein-rich Sandwich

High Protein Snacks:

Whenever you are craving something to munch on, you can always go to high-protein snacks as a savior. They are fulfilling snacks that keep you full for a major part of your day. Some of the delicious high-protein snacks are

  • Cottage cheese
  • Chickpeas
  • Peanut butter
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Almond Butter
  • Edamame
  • Hummus and Bread
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Cashews

Pumpkin seeds and cashews can be used for munching snacks as well but like everything, these two should also be taken in proportion. Peanut Butter goes great with normal bread and toasted bread.

High Protein diet for weight gain:

A high-protein diet for weight gain is helpful when you are skinny or a gym enthusiast. Some food sources are high in proteins and will be helpful in weight gain.

  • Protein smoothies
  • Milk
  • Protein Bars
  • Nuts
  • Protein powder
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt

Pocket-Friendly High-Protein Recipes under Rs.500:

If you want some pocket-friendly recipes which are high in protein, do read this part till the end. 

  1. Lentil and Vegetable Soup: This dish can be made for just Rs.500. All you have to do is grab some lentils and vegetables of your choice.

Ingredients: Brown lentils, tomatoes, onions, thyme, garlic, carrot, olive oil, and spices


  1. Heat oil in a pot and add all the chopped vegetables.
  2. After 6-10 minutes, add garlic.
  3. Add the soaked lentils, tomatoes, and spices along with some water
  4. Bring a boil in the pot can let it cook on medium heat till you get the desired consistency.
  5. Pour the soup into a bowl and you can garnish it with some parmesan cheese.

2. Cottage Cheese Bowl

Ingredients: Low-fat cottage cheese, black beans, tomatoes, salt and pepper


  1. Take a bowl and put some cottage cheese in it.
  2. Mix ¼ cup of black beans with the cottage cheese.
  3. Add tomatoes to the bowl and mix it well.
  4. Add salt and pepper according to taste.
  5. Your cottage cheese bowl is now ready


There are various options that you can choose from while looking for healthy and cheap meatless meals. You don’t have to include meat in every dish when you are creating a high-protein one. Pocket-friendly meals under Rs.500 are easy to create and they turn out to be super delicious at the end. Vegetable & Lentil soup, Cottage cheese bowls are among those pocket-friendly dishes which you should definitely try at your home. Consumption of protein should be monitored because its excess can also cause harm to your body. 0.8g of protein per kilogram, this formula should be kept in mind the entire time while consumption of food.

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