How to make toddler food healthy and interesting?

Healthy eating is one of the major aspects of the life of a human being. When it comes to toddlers, healthy eating is a bit of a task. For a child to grow and develop regularly the first two years of life must be filled with good nourishment. Early adoption of excellent nutrition habits can aid in the development of children’s healthy eating habits. Parents find it difficult to make a nutrition-rich meal for their kids. From the age of 1 to 3, toddlers are going through several physical and mental changes. They love going outside and have great physical activity. Toddlers require a good amount of nutrition in their growing age. There is a great importance of healthy eating for a toddler. A healthy diet will have an immense effect on the child’s body and brain. Toddlers are attracted by colors and new things. These two things should be included in their food as well.

Benefits of Healthy Eating | Nutrition | DNPAO | CDC

In fact, due to their fragile immune systems, toddler’s lack of nutrients in their diet may even result in learning and development difficulties, growth concerns, and diseases. Kids who are encouraged to consume fruit, vegetables, and other whole foods will receive the necessary vitamins, minerals, fibers, and proteins for general growth and development.

Details for a toddler’s meal

A toddler’s meal requires every nutrient like grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and protein. Simply, when all these elements are put together on a plate, a toddler will not eat. Their eyes look for colors, creativity, and new things. As a parent, you have to make sure the food looks interesting. It should be colorful. You can cut food into shapes to attract your toddler. Babies are encouraged to feed themselves using finger foods. Try soft fresh fruit like bananas, melons, and peeled pears; cooked vegetable pieces like green beans, cauliflower, and carrots; pitta bread, unsalted breadsticks, and toast fingers; fingers of hard cheese; and low-sugar rusks (these should only be used sometimes because even low-sugar kinds still have a lot of sugar). 

Young children require snacks in between meals because they frequently struggle to consume enough calories during mealtimes to fulfil their demands for energy. The ideal snacks are ones that are nutrient-rich, sugar-free, or low in added sugar. However, it’s crucial to make sure kids aren’t permitted to snack throughout the day as doing so might cause them to eat less at meals and put them at risk for tooth decay.

Interesting recipes

For all the parents out there who are looking for some interesting recipes for their toddlers, here are three recipes you can cook at your home:

  1. Vegetable Besan Chilla

Ingredients: Capsicums, Onions, Tomatoes, Carrot, Oil, Besan, Water, and coriander


  • Dice up all the vegetables into very small pieces
  • Mix Besan and water in equal proportions in a bowl for making the mixture
  • Now, add all the diced vegetables to the mixture
  •  Add salt according to the state
  • The mixture is now ready, now heat the pan 
  • Apply some oil and pour the mixture on the pan in a circle shape and spread it
  • Cook the Chilla for some time until it is golden brown

You can now cut square and triangles shapes of the Chilla and serve it to your toddler on a colorful plate.

  1.  Vegetable Polenta (a dish made with rice and lentils)

Ingredients: Rice, Mix lentils, Vegetables, Oil


  • Dice up all the vegetables into very small pieces
  • Soak rice and mix lentils separately in a bowl for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Put the pressure cooker on the gas stove and add some oil.
  • Wait till the oil gets heated up and add spices
  • Give a nice mix and rice, lentils, and diced vegetables
  • Close the pressure cooker and give a good 4-5 whistles

You can now serve this colorful dish in a bowl to your toddler.

  1. Porridge

Ingredients: Milk, Oil, and Porridge


  • Take a pan and put some oil in it on the stove
  • Toast the porridge till it becomes light brown
  • After the toast, pour some water and toasted porridge into the pressure cooker
  • Give it 2-3 good whistles
  • Porridge is now boiled. Take a pan and warm some milk in it.
  • Put the toasted porridge in the milk and steer for 5-6 minutes
  • You can add some colors in the form of fruits along with the porridge

Find healthy substitutes for Junk food 

Now, this is a challenging task. Toddlers love to eat something outside and when they see you eating junk food, they crave it even more. Every time, you cannot let your kid have that extra French fry or drink a cold drink with you. You will have to stop them and say NO. Instead of French fries, you can offer baked veggie fries to your child. You can substitute sweet yogurt instead of ice cream. Homemade fruit juices are also a good example instead of packed fruit juices for your child. 


Due to hectic schedules and having the required resources, mealtimes might occasionally appear overwhelming. You’ll benefit and your toddler will enjoy meals if you establish and follow a schedule in your diet. Start serving quick bites to your toddler whenever they feel hungry. A decent, healthy diet has several advantages for your health and your growth.

  • Brain growth: It has been demonstrated that inadequate nutrition limits IQ levels and brain growth in many youngsters, and it may also lead to issues with behaviour and attention span.
  • The body expands enormously in size during childhood, but for this to happen, it needs the correct nutrition and energy, particularly for the development of bones and the maintenance of vital organs’ health as they develop.
  • Lower Obesity Rates: Nearly one in three youngsters suffer from obesity. For diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, it is a fairly common cause or risk factor.
  • Healthy Decisions: Providing your child with the right foundation early on can help them make healthier decisions later on.

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