Low Carb Diet: Fact vs. Fiction

Low Carb Diet
Low-Carb Diet

What is a low-carb diet?

A low-carb diet is one where you consume fewer carbohydrates and more proteins and other minerals. Different types of low-carb diets result in weight loss and help in stabilizing blood sugar levels. A low-carb diet is where you rely on more fruits, vegetables, vitamins, and healthy fats.

Nowadays, everyone has been following a low-carb diet on their own just because they see other people doing it. This is not the thing you need to copy. Start a low-carb diet when your body says so or you want to have a healthy metabolism.

When to consume a low-carb diet?

If you are a growing child, there is no need to be on a low-carb diet. A growing body needs to have every mineral so that the body grows in a normal manner. If you are 36+, you need to see and measure what you eat. What you eat after this age, matters a lot during your old age. A low-carb diet should be taken under a doctor’s supervision if you have any health issues. A lot of senior actors live on such a diet on a daily basis to look young and fit.

People who have insulin resistance or diabetes are more likely to acquire weight. For a short period of time, a low-carb diet decreases weight and lowers blood glucose levels. However, in the long run, the drawbacks of a low-carb diet outweigh the benefits. Adopting healthy eating habits and lifestyle behaviour is essential for justifying the weight-loss quest.

Low Carb Vegetables
Low Carb Vegetable

Types of low-carb diets:

  • Paleo Diet: A paleo diet is naturally low on carbs and encourages the consumption of meat, fruits, and vegetables. It excludes grains, legumes, and dairy products.
  • Keto Diet: It encourages the consumption of high-fat foods like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and full-fat dairy products. A keto diet limits the carbs to 20-50g per day. There are different types of keto snacks like kale chips, pork rinds, olive, peanut, cheese, and dark chocolate.  
  • Atkins Diet: It is a low-carb, high-protein diet. The Atkins diet is divided into multiple phases and the carb intake is limited to 20-40g per day.
  • Dukan Diet: It is high in protein and low in fat. This diet is divided into four phases to help you with weight loss.
  • South Beach Diet: This diet encourages lean meats and heart-healthy fats. There are three phases in this diet and grains & fruits are eliminated in the first phase. They are added back gradually in the second and third phases.

What are low-carb foods?

There are a whole lot of low-carb foods that you can consume while on a low-carb diet. Meat, Fish, Eggs, low-carb vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, and asparagus, low-carb fruits like oranges, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, nuts and seeds. Low-carb fruits and low-carb vegetables are very healthy and they and can keep your stomach full for a good amount of time.  

What is carb cycling?

Carb cycling is a process where you adjust your carbohydrate intake over a defined period. This period may differ from person to person, i.e., for some, it may be days, it may be months. Many people do carb cycling which helps in maintaining their weight loss or helps in their diets. There is science behind carb cycling. It helps in the manipulation of insulin in the body. Carb cycling helps in maintaining physical performance and also helps in reducing body weight. Do not start carb cycling all by yourself. Always consult a doctor first before starting the carb cycling process.

Foods to avoid in a low-carb diet:

Added sugar and carbohydrates should be limited to a low-carb diet. Refined grains, sweet snacks, low-fat products like dairy, cereals, highly processed foods, and sugary beverages should be avoided. These foods will disturb your body’s metabolism once you are on a low-carb diet. In your weight loss journey, these will not help you a bit. If you have a sudden craving for these types of foods, you can have them in small proportions just to satisfy your craving.

Eating in a restaurant on a low-carb diet:

If in any case, you eat outside in a restaurant, you can follow your low-carb diet there as well. Here is some advice you can follow:

  • Meat-based dish
  • Extra vegetables on the side of a salad
  • Do not eat your entire meal at once if your tummy is filled

How to follow a low-carb diet?

Following a low-carb diet is not an easy task. Initially, you may experience some symptoms like constipation and muscle cramps. You will feel that you are low on energy and just need to sleep. It is perfectly ok if you experience these symptoms. The only key is consistency and hydration. You have to keep yourself hydrated and have your meals properly. Starving yourself is not the solution to every diet. Every diet says that you can have some healthy options if you feel like eating in between meals. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF.


A successful weight-loss program is the foundation of healthy life. Adopting good eating habits and proper lifestyle behaviors is essential for a long-term weight-loss quest. Furthermore, we must comprehend the fundamentals of proper nutrition, nutrient requirements, physical exercise, appropriate lifestyle changes, and a holistic approach to weight loss. Shortcut weight loss solutions will never be able to compete with a healthy and lasting alternative. Fad diets have grown in popularity in a short period. However, health experts and licensed dieticians feel that fad diets such as low-carb diets are not advantageous in the long run. Avoid fad diets that limit your dietary options or food groupings.

A well-balanced diet combined with the appropriate changes to your health objectives will yield the needed outcomes. A successful weight reduction journey incorporates several elements, such as altering your lifestyle and modifying your diet. Following extremely limited diets and avoiding carbohydrates may result in short-term weight reduction, but long-term weight loss requires patience and time.

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