Importance of Strength Training

Fitness is important for human body
Strength Training is important for our body

If you are looking to lose weight, strength training should be at the top of your daily routine. Strength training refers to an intense workout of the muscles with the help of weights and carrying your body weight. It helps in building muscle mass, reducing weight, and increasing the endurance of the body. There are different types of training depending on your need:

  • Circuit training: In this, you push yourself to carry your body weight and push it through all the exercises with little or no rest in between.
  • Muscular Endurance: This is generally performed by males while building their body muscles. High repetitions with light weights are usually the key to increasing muscle endurance in your body.
  • Muscular Hypertrophy: This training is used to stimulate the growth of the muscles using moderate to heavy weights.
  • Resistance training: It is used to develop muscle strength against a force or weight. Free weights, machines, and resistance bands are used in this training.

Benefits of weight training:

Weight training helps in building muscle strength in the body and is a proven effective method for weight loss. If you are new to weight training, start by picking up the lightest weights with the number of reps your trainer says. Gradually, increase the weights and reps and you will start seeing the results in 3-4 months. Weight training also helps your body in coming into shape and enhances your personality as well. Your core and muscle endurance increase gradually as you do weight training.

Functional training:

Functional exercises are based on your body weight. In functional exercises like burpees, jumping jacks, steppers, mountain climbing, and squats, you carry your body weight. Functional strength training requires way more energy than normal training. You have to push yourself every time to complete a rep. It involves multiple muscles and focuses on the core strength of the body. Consistency is a very important part of functional training. Both men and women have different capacities for functional exercises. Do not see the speed and strength of the others, instead focus on your abilities. If you are consistent in functional training, your body will develop stamina, you will be more productive throughout the day and you will develop your body strength.

Before starting training or an aerobic fitness program, see your doctor if you have a chronic ailment, are older than 40, or haven’t been active lately. Consider warming up with vigorous jogging or similar aerobic activity for five to ten minutes before starting weight training. Warm muscles are less likely to be injured than cold ones. Select a weight or resistance level that will cause your muscles to get fatigued after 12 to 15 repetitions. Increase the weight or resistance progressively until you can do an exercise with more repetitions without difficulty.

Strength training for weight loss:

One sure short answer for weight loss is strength training. It requires a lot of patience, hard work, and consistency. It refers to building muscle mass to reduce the fat content in the body. The effective results of strength training are visible in 4-5 months in the body with a proper diet. Strength training may increase your capacity to do daily tasks and your quality of life. Additionally, strength training helps shield your joints from harm.

Cardio exercises help in building up your strength to a great extent. You have to maintain your breathing at each point while doing strength training. Try doing sets of 100 jumping jacks, rest for 30 seconds then run on the treadmill in intervals. Strength training can help you in healthy weight loss which will sustain provided you keep your diet in check and work out daily. It can help you in keeping your metabolism in check and prevent the body from unwanted fat gain.

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Strength training for men and women:

The training regime is not much different in men and women. Both of them could be doing the same amount of exercise in one day and can have different changes in the body. Both men and women increase their muscle strength. Men also face an increase in muscle mass. The majority part of the strength training for men and women is same. Men and women who are willing to go in bodybuilding championships should definitely go for this training.


Strength training has numerous advantages for the human body. It helps in keeping the body physically fit and fine. Your immunity gets improved and you become more productive throughout the day. For strength training, you don’t need a gym always. You can do this at home with some dumbbells and a good playlist that will keep you motivated. It needs to be done according to your body. Excess of everything will turn into harm. Doctors suggest that if you’re a young adult or in middle age, then you can go for strength training. Teenagers and children are not advised this since they are in a growing age and there are a lot of changes going on in their bodies.

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