Is Physical Activity Important for Kids

Healthy and Cheerful Kids

Children’s health is most important in the growing years of life. If the health is perfect, then every other thing will align. If the health is not okay, life will be disturbed and full of worries. There are various ways in which you can keep your child’s health in great shape and size. Perfect health helps in the overall development of the child’s body. Physical Activity is very important for kids.

Children love to play and be active. This active lifestyle helps in the cognitive development of the brain since the kid learns a lot of new things while doing physical activity.

Importance of Physical Activity:

One of the other kinds of physical activity is very important for a child’s health. Physical activity doesn’t have to be a sport or a structured activity. It can be a simple activity of getting up and moving. Cognitive development refers to the development of the brain, i.e., IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient). This type of development is successful when the child sees and learns. Playing in nature will help the child in adapting to various environments and mold accordingly. If a child has never played outside, there would be a visible difference in the growth of the brain.

Health Benefits of Physical Activity:

If physical activity is a sport or exercise, it has great health benefits for the child’s body and immune system.

  • Muscular strength will increase
  • Bone health will improve
  • A child will maintain a healthy body weight
  • The body will become more flexible and posture will improve
  • Attention and Memory power of the brain also improves
  • The body becomes receptive to the changes made in the external environment
  • Fast breathing and a quicker heartbeat will improve heart and lung health
  • Eyesight will also improve

Maintaining an accurate body posture is the most important thing for a child. His bad body posture will affect him only when he grows up. Physical activity also teaches you endurance, strength, and flexibility. The digestion power of the body will improve and your child’s body will not store the fats. The storage of fats in your child’s body is an alarming thing.

Health Benefits of being Physically active
Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Childhood Obesity: A Major Problem

Childhood obesity is a major problem among children these days. Physical activity is the one thing that helps in reducing childhood obesity among children. Most of the children have a habit of sitting and binge eating all day and the result is obesity. To reduce this obesity, physical activity can help a great deal. Obesity can lead to the risk of some serious heart diseases as well. If your child doesn’t like sports, take your child to a park and let them play with other children. In this way, they will learn a lot of social skills like empathy and improve their social skills.

Numerous kids nowadays eat junk food a lot and sit around all day. As a parent, one should limit their kid’s junk food to 2-3 times a day. In this way, they will consume a healthy diet most of the time which also helps them in keeping physically fit and have a strong immune system. Your child will thank you when he will grow up.

How to encourage your child to be physically active?

There are various ways in which you can encourage your child to be physically active.

  • Choose the activities that your child would like
  • Create some other kind of physical activity in your child’s daily routine like
  • Encourage and praise your child whenever they complete their physical activity goal
  • Be active along with them and try to involve the entire family
  • Reward your child’s physical activity so that they get motivated for the next day
  • Show them the benefits of being physically active in the daily routine and simultaneously tell them the negative points of being a lazy kid

Outdoor games: the best source of Physical activity

Children love to play outdoor games, especially with their friends. You can lure them into going outside, playing, and making new friends. Empathy, one of the important social skills can be learned through outdoor games. Your child will learn other social skills like sharing, not harming others, and caring.

Physical Activity is Important for Kids
Physical Activity for Kids


Physical activity is an important part of a child’s growth and mental and physical development. Without this, your child will become lazy and lethargic. Studies have shown that physical activity has shown significant improvement in cognitive development, muscle development, and bone health. It also increases your child’s awareness about various things happening outside the home whenever they talk to the other kids. IQ and EQ part of the child’s brain develop while learning and interacting with people you meet in your life. It is rightly said that what they are being taught, will remain in their mind forever. It will have an ever-lasting imprint on their learning and they will share them with other kids they meet in the park.

While it’s simple to be active on sunny days, throughout the cold months most of us choose to stay inside. On chilly, rainy days, wrap up and explore the outdoors. Give your youngster the chance to experience how locations like the beach appear during various seasons. Splashing about in puddles is enjoyable. Put on rain boots and a raincoat, then jump in puddles with your kid. Swimming, trampolining, table tennis, and cricket are just a few of the sports that may be played inside. Investigate the many choices in your neighborhood.

It may seem like the simplest strategy is to put your kids through scheduled exercises and drills but don’t forget to add some enjoyment. After all, when your kids like exercising, it will be much simpler to convince them to stick with your workout programs! This is why you ought to think about using games in your children’s workouts. The activities don’t have to be complicated; basic ones like relay races will be fine. Giving out rewards after games will encourage and motivate them to participate and do better every single time.

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