The health benefits of black tea: Why it’s good for you

Black tea houses multiple antioxidants including the most sought-after theaflavins, catechins, and flavonoids. As a wonderful potion loaded with such antioxidants, the health benefits of black tea are huge. It might also knock you off-guard that black tea is much healthier than its popular sister, green tea. Considering the turbulent lifestyle that plagues everyone these days, you can find your ultimate rescue in black tea. The following guide will cruise you through the 11 health benefits of black tea that you must know.

Benefits of Black Tea for Skin, Hair and Health

Benefits of Black Tea For Skin

Free radical formation in the body is an unfortunate, but prevalent, problem that leads to a lot of skin troubles including premature skin aging, dullness, acne, pigmentation, and dryness. The following benefits of black tea as a skin guard might help you in the long run.

An Anti-Aging Solution 

Black Tea is a Strong Anti Aging Potion
Black Tea has many antioxidants

It is a strong anti-aging potion that blasts the body with the freshness of antioxidants. These antioxidants attack free radicals and chase them out of your system. Besides, antioxidants encourage the formation of collagen which gives birth to young skin cells. This removes wrinkles and fine lines too.

Reduces Pigmentation

Helpful in reducing Pigmentation
Black Tea Helps in Reducing Pigmentation

The elite class of antioxidants like theaflavins put a stop to melanin over-secretion. Once overactive melanin catches up with its normal secretion level, the skin loses extra darkness and looks radiant and flawless. 

Rejuvenates Skin

Rejuvenates Dull Skin
Black Tea affects the skin

Free radicals feed on the youthful skin cells and multiply by drying their water level. Antioxidants in black tea churn those free radicals and replenish dry skin cells, giving them a kiss of life by making them plump again.

Reduces Acne

Reduces Acne
Black Tea Helps Reducing Acne

If you’ve given up on finding a cure for regular acne eruptions, black tea might just help you. Catechins in black tea can combat hormonal fluctuations and can also improve digestion. Also, black tea is a strong antiseptic that attacks acne promoting guilty bacteria.

Black Tea for Dark Circles

It helps reduce Dark Circles
Black Tea helps reduce Dark Circles

Used black tea bags have activated antioxidants that can calm down inflamed under-eye skin cells. These antioxidants instantly hydrate dry and dark cells and ease stiffness. This reduces the appearance of dark circles and fine lines around the corner of the eyes.

Benefits of Black Tea for Hair

Stress, pollution, smoking, and nutritional deficiencies are quite capable of ruining your hair texture. The naturally abundant black tea antioxidants are worth a shot to deal with such hair troubles.

Reduces Hair Fall and Split Ends

Lowers Hair Fall and Split Ends
Black Tea beneficial for Hair

Flavonoids declare a war against free radicals, cleansing the scalp and making the cells plump again. Catechins promote collagen formation, giving rise to a new brigade of hair follicles. All this makes hair thick and improves its texture, reducing the formation of split ends and frizz. Black tea is also a closure against dandruff, hair damage due to UV exposure, and scalp acne

Black Tea for Health

The health benefits of black tea are surprisingly huge, life-changing, and persuasive. The 5 best of many are listed below.

Helps in Weight Loss

Benefits of Black Tea for Weight Loss
Black Tea helps in Weight Loss

The slimming benefits of black tea are an attribute of its metabolism-enhancing capacity. A warm cup of black tea with some exercise burn calories faster than you think. It also utilizes the stored fat to speed up the process of easy weight loss. 

Helps Reduce Cholesterol

Helps Reduce Cholestrol
Black Tea Reduces Cholesterol

It is again the antioxidants in black tea that remove the layers of deposited cholesterol. It breaks down deposited fat from the adipose tissues too. This not just leads to weight loss, but also promotes the formation of good cholesterol. The result is a reduced risk of heart disease and strokes.

Black Tea for Ailing Diabetes

Black Tea is good for Ailing Diabetes
Black Tea helps in controlling Diabetes

Tannins and theaflavins in black tea minimize the formation and storage of sugar in the blood. These antioxidants also aid the process of insulin formation. Insulin is the natural antidiabetic enzyme in the body. Precisely, type 2 diabetic patients benefit the most from the daily consumption of black tea.

Black Tea for Mental Wellbeing

Beneficial for Mental Wellbeing
Black Tea Helps in Mental Wellbeing

Studies indicate that black tea contains caffeine and L-theanine. Whilst caffeine keeps the mind fresh, L-theanine ensures that the body doesn’t get addicted to caffeine. Thus, a cup of black tea can keep you alert and active throughout the day. 

Black Tea for Nervous System

Black Tea is good for Nervous System
Black Tea Reduces Nerve Damage

You will be amazed how a simple cup of black tea can reduce nerve damage in the long run. Since flavonoids have nerve-strengthening and neurons protecting capabilities, black tea can reduce the risk of neural disorders like Parkinson’s disease. 

On a closing note, the core of most of the health benefits offered by black tea is that it can help in weight loss. All in all, you can get the lifestyle change you deserve by simply adding black tea to your daily routine.

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