What is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a method of eating in which people restrict their meal consumption to specified periods of the day. It does not indicate the meals you should consume; rather, it informs you when you should eat them. It is not a typical diet, but rather an eating habit. Daily 16-hour fasts or twice-weekly 24-hour fasts are common regimens.

Fasting has been around since the earliest days.  All year, ancient hunter-gatherers had no stores, refrigerators, or food. They had trouble finding food at times. As a result, humans evolved to be able to endure for extended periods without food. Fasting is sometimes more natural than eating 3-4 (or more) meals each day.

Ways to loose weight with intermittent fasting
Ways to loose weight

Types of Intermittent Fasting

There are five types of you can follow:

  1. Eating according to the time: In this, you have to set your fasting and eating periods. You can choose The 16/8 method or The 14/10 method. In the 16/8 method, you can eat between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. In the 14/10 method, you can eat between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. This strategy is already when popular since most individuals are already fast when asleep. If you are new to intermittent fasting, this is most suitable for you.
  2. Twice a week: This is also known as the 5:2 method. This method focuses on limiting your calories to 500 per day for two days each week. The other five days of the week, you consume a healthy and usual diet. On fasting days, this strategy often comprises a 200-calorie supper and a 300-calorie dinner. When fasting, it is critical to focus on high-fiber and high-protein foods to help fill you full while keeping calories low.
  3. Fasting on alternate days: This version calls for a “modified” fast every other day. On fasting days, for example, limit your calories to 500, or around 25% of your typical consumption. Return to your usual, nutritious diet on non-fasting days. (There are rigid variants to this technique, such as consuming 0 calories on alternate days rather than 500).
  4. The 24-hour fast (eat: stop: eat technique): Fasting for a full 24 hours is required for this procedure. It’s usually only done once or twice a week. A major number of people fast from breakfast to breakfast or from lunch to lunch. The adverse effects of this type of can be severe, including exhaustion, headaches, irritability, hunger, and poor energy. On non-fasting days, if you use this strategy, you should return to a normal, nutritious diet.
  5. Warrior Diet or OMAD: OMAD is an abbreviation for One-Meal-A-Day. As the name says, you only eat once each day. Because it works best for their schedule, most individuals just eat dinner. This allows you to fast for around 23 hours every day. OMAD is a more sophisticated kind of intermittent fasting. Even yet, some folks who aren’t hungry in the morning and don’t have much of an appetite at lunch find it pretty easy.

Intermittent Fasting schedule

The schedule depends on the type you choose. For each different type, there is a different kind of schedule you need to follow-

Schedule to follow to loose weight
Schedule to loose weight

Is it good for your health?

It comes with its pros and cons. According to the doctors, some people, such as pregnant women, children, persons at risk of hypoglycemia, and people with certain chronic conditions, should avoid intermittent fasting. It is associated with irritation, low energy, constant hunger, temperature sensitivity, and poor job and activity performance. There are various advantages to it as well like weight loss, insulin resistance, reduced inflammation, and good heart health.

Intermittent Diet

Intermittent fasting doesn’t specify what kind of food should you include in your diet. It specifies the time at which you should eat. However, some foods will benefit your body if you include them like:

  • Avocado
  • Fish and seafood
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Beans and Legumes
  • Berries
  • Eggs
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Water
Routine while following intermittent fasting
Intermittent fasting

Is it good for weight loss?

Intermittent Fasting is good for weight loss if you are a young adult or between the age group of 24-35. It is advised that children and teenagers should not go for intermittent fasting as they are at a growing age. Their body needs nutrition every single day. If they start doing it at a young age, they may feel irritated, and lethargic.

Best Ways of Intermittent Fasting:

Each human body is different and requires certain nutrients at certain ages. No type of intermittent fasting can be declared as the best one. Everybody will adapt to a specific type of fasting. It is suggested that if you are a beginner, you can adopt the 16/8 method or The 14/10 method.

Who should do it?

Many people want to do intermittent fasting, but it is not for everyone. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, skipping meals may not be the greatest strategy to control your weight. Before beginning intermittent fasting, you must see your doctor if you have kidney stones, gastric reflux, diabetes, or other medical issues. It is suggested that if you belong to the age group of 24-35, you can do intermittent fasting, provided you don’t have any medical condition.


There are several techniques of intermittent fasting for both men and women. Finding out which strategy works best for you is a bit of a task at first. It is not necessary to practice intermittent fasting by everyone. It is only one of several lifestyle changes that can benefit your health. The most essential variables to focus on are still eating real food, exercising, and getting enough sleep. There is no such thing as a perfect solution when it comes to nutrition. A proper diet is critical for the human body. Intermittent fasting is beneficial to some people only. Only by trying it out can you determine which group you belong to.

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