What is Nutrition?

Nutrition refers to the intake of food by humans and how it affects the body. Nutrients are substances that help the human body grow, reproduce and survive. There are different forms of nutrients available for the human body. Each human body is different, nutrient for one body can be harmful to another. So, make sure you know your body well and consume your nutrients accordingly.

Why is it important for a kid to have all the nutrients?

Today’s children and families have hectic schedules. These make it difficult to eat cooked meals every day. Many children’s diets are high in convenience and takeaway meals. However, some foods can be harmful. Some of the issues caused by improper eating might last into adulthood. They can even progress to become chronic illnesses.

Children benefit greatly from healthy nutrition. It can:

  • Maintain their energy levels
  • Improve their thinking abilities
  • Their moods should be balanced.
  • Assist them in maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Assist in the prevention of mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety.

A kid’s healthy eating plate represents what your child will do in a day. It helps a parent educate and motivate their child to perform daily. A growing child requires all the necessary nutrients in his childhood. Food eaten at that time will decide his growth patterns, healthy lifestyle, and immunity. No parent wants to take a chance with their child’s immunity and hence they feed him all the vegetables and fruits. Green leafy vegetables help in boosting immunity in children and fruits are a source of vitamins and minerals. Thus, a kid needs to have all the nutrients from the start.

Nutrient-dense food:

A child’s school tiffin and home meals should be nutrient-dense in appropriate quantities. A mix of vegetables, fruits, proteins, grains, and dairy in a child’s day is referred to as Nutrient-dense food. Junk food and artificial sweeteners should be avoided as much as possible. Whole grains like whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat pasta are much better and healthier options than regular pasta and loaves of bread which are made from refined flour. In vegetables, potatoes should be consumed in a limited quantity due to their negative impact on blood sugar. If you are a vegetarian, under proteins you can use lentils, green peas, nuts, and oats for your child.

It is recommended to have a variety of fruits and vegetables for better nutrition
Variety of Fruits and Vegetables

Child’s Calorie Intake:

In today’s time, junk food has taken precedence over healthy food. Every day mothers find a new way to inculcate all the necessary nutrients in their child’s diet. There are ways in which you can limit your child’s calorie intake:

  • Create healthier versions of your child’s favorite junk food like pizza, burger, pasta, noodles
  • Add loads of vegetables to the dish
  • Choose whole wheat over refined flour
  • Use brown sugar over processed sugar

Consumption of junk food once in a while is ok. If possible, you can convert that once in a while into a healthy option as well.

Make eating healthy a priority:

Sitting down as a family at the table is a crucial aspect of developing good eating habits. However, it is more than just dining together. Mealtimes are also an opportunity to:

  • Make your children feel at ease. Routine is beneficial to children. Knowing that they share supper or other meals with their family regularly makes them feel safer.
  • Talk to your children. Demonstrate an interest in what’s going on in their life. Tell them about your situation. Make healthy bonds with your family members.
  • Keep an eye on their eating habits. Older children and teens eat more frequently at school or friends’ homes. Take advantage of this opportunity to observe what and how they consume. Look at what you can do to foster improved habits.

Limit the intake of sugar:

 Fruits, vegetables, cereals, and dairy products are examples of naturally available sugar. These meals provide us with all of the sugar we require. Sugar is added to a variety of meals. All of this added sugar, at best, contributes empty calories to our diets. It can worsen hyperactivity, mental problems, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Sugar is frequently added to meals that we would not expect to contain sugar. Loaves of bread, canned soups or vegetables, condiments such as ketchup, frozen meals, and fast food are examples. Children should avoid or limit their consumption of certain items. Don’t forbid sweets. Declaring that your kid would never be able to eat doughnuts or cake again might cause desire. When they do indulge in a sweet delicacy, they tend to overdo it. Simply make these things a special treat rather than a regular component of their diet.

5 colours of fruits and vegetables
Healthy food

Daily intake of nutrients for Boys:

There are certain defined quantities for the daily intake of nutrients for boys like

(Note: All the measurements are based on per day and oz. refers to ounces.)
(Note: All the measurements are based on per day and oz. refers to ounces.)

Daily intake of nutrients for Girls:

The daily intake of nutrients of girls is different from boys in the sense:

(Note: All the measurements are based on per day and oz. refers to ounces.)
(Note: All the measurements are based on per day and oz. refers to ounces.)



There are several strategies for getting your child to consume nutritional foods. Above all, encouraging healthy behaviors is the greatest approach to helping your child with nutrition.

  • Set a good example. Children eat in the same manner as adults. If you follow these guidelines, your child will be more likely to do the same.
  • Begin them when they are small. Early in childhood, food preferences emerge. Expose your child to a variety of foods from an early age and continue to do so as they get older.
  • Concentrate on your whole diet and complete nutrition. Instead of concentrating on specific meals, consider your eating habits. Reduce as many minimally processed foods as possible.
  • Limit your child’s screen time. When you limit your child’s screen time spent, he or she will seek out more physical activities.

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