Optimal Indian Diet for Effective Weight Loss

Indian cuisine is known for its vibrant spices, fresh herbs, and wide variety of rich flavors. Though diets and preferences vary throughout India, most people follow a primarily plant-based diet. Around 80% of the Indian population practices Hinduism, a religion that promotes a vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian diet. The traditional Indian diet emphasizes a high intake of plant foods like vegetables, lentils, and fruits, as well as a low consumption of meat. However, obesity is a rising issue in the Indian population. With the growing availability of processed foods, India has seen a surge in obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. This article explains how to follow a healthy Indian diet that can promote weight loss. It includes suggestions about which foods to eat and avoid and a sample menu for one week.

A Healthy Traditional Indian Diet

Traditional plant-based Indian diets focus on fresh, whole ingredients — ideal foods to promote optimal health. Why Eat a Plant-Based Indian Diet? Plant-based diets have been associated with many health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers such as breast and colon cancer. Additionally, the Indian diet, in particular, has been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers believe this is due to the low consumption of meat and emphasis on vegetables and fruits. Following a healthy plant-based Indian diet may not only help decrease the risk of chronic disease, but it can also encourage weight loss.

What Food Groups Does It Include?

The Indian diet is rich in nutritious foods like grains, lentils, healthy fats, vegetables, dairy, and fruits. The diets of most Indian people are heavily influenced by religion, particularly Hinduism. The Hindu religion teaches nonviolence and that all living things should be valued equally. That’s why a lacto-vegetarian diet is encouraged, and eating meat, poultry, fish, and eggs is discouraged. Lacto-vegetarians do, however, eat dairy products. A healthy lacto-vegetarian diet should focus on grains, lentils, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats like coconut oil. Spices such as turmeric, fenugreek, coriander, ginger, and cumin are at the forefront of traditional dishes, adding rich flavor and powerful nutritional benefits. Turmeric, one of the most popular spices used in India, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anticancer properties. A compound in turmeric called curcumin has been found to fight inflammation in the body, improve brain function, and reduce risk factors of heart disease.

A Healthy Indian Sample Menu for One Week Below is a healthy one-week Indian sample menu that focuses on fresh, nutritious food. You can adjust it according to your calorie needs, dietary restrictions, and food preferences.

    • Monday
  • Breakfast: Sambar with brown rice idli
  • Lunch: Whole-grain roti with mixed-vegetable curry
  • Dinner: Tofu curry with mixed vegetables and a fresh spinach salad
    • Tuesday
  • Breakfast: Chana dal pancakes with mixed vegetables and a glass of milk
  • Lunch: Chickpea curry with brown rice
  • Dinner: Khichdi with sprout salad
    • Wednesday
  • Breakfast: Apple cinnamon porridge made with milk and topped with sliced almonds
  • Lunch: Whole-grain roti with tofu and mixed vegetables
  • Dinner: Palak paneer with brown rice and vegetables
    • Thursday
  • Breakfast: Yogurt with sliced fruits and sunflower seeds
  • Lunch: Whole-grain roti with vegetable subji
  • Dinner: Chana masala with basmati rice and green salad
    • Friday
  • Breakfast: Vegetable dalia and a glass of milk
  • Lunch: Vegetable sambar with brown rice
  • Dinner: Tofu curry with potato and mixed vegetables
    • Saturday
  • Breakfast: Multigrain parathas with avocado and sliced papaya
  • Lunch: Large salad with rajma curry and quinoa
  • Dinner: Lentil pancakes with tofu tikka masala
    • Sunday
  • Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge with sliced mango
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup with whole-grain roti
  • Dinner: Masala-baked tofu with vegetable curry Drinking water, seltzer, or unsweetened tea with and between meals will keep you hydrated without adding extra calories.

Make sure to consume plenty of non-starchy vegetables at every meal, as well as sources of healthy fat and protein. This will keep you feeling full throughout the day and reduce the chances of overeating.

Smart Ways to Lose Weight

Aside from focusing on fresh, whole foods, there are other lifestyle changes that can help you lose weight. What’s more, adopting the following healthy habits can help you maintain a healthy weight over your lifetime. 

Increase Activity

To create a calorie deficit that will help you lose weight, it’s critical to increase the amount of activity in your day. Find an activity that you enjoy, whether it be a sport or working out at the gym. Even if you don’t exercise formally, try increasing the number of steps you take every day. It’s a simple way to burn more calories and get fit. To lose weight, aim for a goal of 10,000 steps per day and work up to that goal over time.

Practice Mindful Eating

Many people eat on the run or consume meals while they’re distracted. Instead, make a point to focus on your meals and pay attention to feelings of hunger and fullness. It’s a great way to get more in tune with your body. Eating more slowly can also promote weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and decreasing hunger. Another useful habit to control your food intake is to avoid eating in front of the television or while surfing the web.

Make Smart Choices

Eating healthy can be a challenge, so set goals ahead of time and stick to them. This can help you maintain your plan, even when you are feeling tempted to make an unhealthy food choice, such as when you’re socializing with friends or family. Reminding yourself why you want to get healthier in the first place can make you feel empowered and lead you to make smarter food and lifestyle decisions.

The Bottom Line

Following a lacto-vegetarian Indian diet is a great way to lose weight. It will help you cut back on sugary foods and beverages, eat more vegetables, and increase your protein intake. Add regular exercise to your regimen to boost your health and weight loss even more. Incorporating even one or two of the foods or lifestyle changes listed above into your routine can help you get healthier and happier.

Click here to know about Low Carb Diet and High Carb Diet.

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