“PCOD may be reversible with lifestyle modifications!”

PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) is a medical condition that causes irregular periods because monthly ovulation is not occurring at a regular level. 5 to 10% of women have high hormonal levels like androgen. Symptoms of PCOS vary from person to person. Some may face extreme growth of facial hair and acne, and in some females, these are very minimal. It is very important to know whether PCOS is reversible.

How is PCOS reversible?

Medical practitioners say that there is no cure for PCOS from the root, which means it is not reversible. There are several myths related to its cure. Many people believe that losing weight will cure PCOS or that shifting to a completely plant-based diet or keto diet will reverse it. Excess of everything is bad. You will have to manage your lifestyle in such a manner that you don’t eat an excess of everything. However, there are several treatments to lessen the effect of PCOS on the female body.

Causes of PCOS:

  • Anomalies of the reproductive system: The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Experts believe that the ovaries do not function normally due to excessive amounts of androgen and abnormally high levels of the pituitary hormone.
  • Insulin abnormalities: Experts have linked PCOS to elevated insulin levels Specific cells in the pancreas produce the hormone insulin, which controls blood glucose levels. These cells create insulin to assist the body in using glucose for energy when blood glucose levels rise.

How to diagnose PCOS?

There is no specific test to diagnose PCOS. You can be diagnosed based on your symptoms like irregular periods. Diagnosis can be done in the form of blood tests and a physical examination. Blood tests will check the hormonal levels in the body and a physical examination is done in the form of a scan of the uterus.

PCOS Affetcts 1-in-10 Women

Effects of PCOS on the body:

There are various physical and mental effects of PCOS on the human body. It takes a great amount of patience to deal with this syndrome. PCOS can lead to an irregular menstrual cycle which can further lead to mood swings making a person irritated or sad. An increased risk of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), eating disorders, and depression is associated with PCOS. PCOS causes many physical changes in the body, such as hair growth, an increase in acne, infertility, diabetes, and high weight gain. Excess Inflammation also increases the level of androgen hormone in the body.  Your body goes through a lot of changes. Acne, uneven development of black hair on the body, particularly on the chin, chest, and loss of hair on the head’s top and/or temples are most commonly seen.

Things that need to be taken care of :

If you have PCOS, there are a lot of things that you need to care about. One must follow a strict healthy diet with very minimal cheat days. The caffeine intake of a person having this syndrome is very minimal and sometimes zero. If your symptoms are severe, doctors may prescribe you some medicines that you need to take to control them

 Stay away from refined carbs. White potatoes, pastries, bread, and muffins all aggravate insulin resistance and inflammation, which will worsen your PCOS symptoms. Avoid sugary food and beverages. One of the key factors contributing to insulin resistance is excess sugar, which needs to be avoided at all costs. Look for various names for sugar on food labels, such as sucrose, dextrose, and high fructose corn syrup.

Eat no foods that cause inflammation. These foods make symptoms worse. People should avoid consuming certain foods, such as French fries, margarine, red meat, and other processed meats, at all costs.

Reversing PCOS with:

  • Lifestyle: Experts have proven that adopting a healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to tackle it. A healthy lifestyle includes a nutritious diet, physical activity, low intake of carbs, and minimizing harmful habits like drinking and smoking. A healthy diet will ensure the presence of all the nutrients in your body.
  • Natural therapies: Most commonly, natural therapies include taking additional supplements for all the vitamins and minerals required in the body. The type of treatment and remedy depends on one person to another like fish oils and herbal medicines in the form of teas, liquids, and tablets.
  • Diet: It plays a major role in managing PCOS. Eating junk food will only increase the symptoms of PCOS and can even affect your uterus to a great extent. Eating red fruits like pomegranates can increase the units of blood in the body. Consume smaller portions more often. Try eating a modest meal or snack every three to five hours, as opposed to three substantial meals each day. Incorporate a tiny bit of lean protein or vegetable into each. Suitable snack examples include:
    • Snap peas with a single ounce of low-fat cheese1 ounce of skinless, boneless chicken served with a mild salad dressingCottage cheese and grape tomatoes in a half-cup tub of low- or no-sugar yogurt and a spoonful of almonds
    • A single hard-boiled egg with hummus, and carrots.


The authorities have declared September as the PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) awareness month. This syndrome affects women between the ages of 15 and 49, and in India, it affects between 3.7% to 22.5% (1.3-7.9 crore) of women. Although PCOS affects a significant number of women, the medical community has not yet recognized it as a significant health problem. However, preventing and identifying PCOS early is necessary to stop, or even reverse, its increasing incidence rate. 

September is the PCOS Awareness Month
Awareness Month

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